Introducing Scite – your powerful manuscript reference checker
We are proud to announce our partnership with, offering a citation and reference checker tool integrated into the Manuscript Manager peer review platform.
Scite is a useful compass in the reference jungle
The Scite reference check automatically identifies and extracts references from the manuscripts you have in Manuscript Manager so that they can be cross-referenced with Smart Citations from Scite. This functionality allows your authors, editors, and peer-reviewers to see if any references in the manuscripts they are working on have been supported, disputed, or more generally how others have cited the same work. Additionally, the reference check will flag retracted references and references with any editorial concern (Correction, Errata, etc.).
This means that your team will have a very quick overview of the academic solidity of any given manuscript you are processing with Manuscript Manager.
Provide valuable help for editors and reviewers
If you opt in for the Scite extension in Manuscript Manager, you benefit from automatic reference checking when an author submits a manuscript to one of your journals. There is no need for additional check work or uploading. With the click of a button, the editor or reviewer can see the results of the reference checker, providing valuable information on the quality of the references. This tool will help editors and reviewers to quickly assess whether the references are relevant and accurate and make the peer review process more efficient.
The premium extension is now live and is being used by leading journals using Manuscript Manager. Please contact us at support@manuscriptmanager, if you would like to learn more. In the end, it’s all about providing a seamless experience to your authors and editors, and improving the overall efficiency of your online journal. If you are not yet a customer of Manuscript Manager, read more on this link about a possible free trial of Manuscript Manager for your peer review journal(s).
Manuscript Manager
Kultorvet 11, 2. floor
1175 Copenhagen K
Manuscript Manager encourages customers and business partners to uphold high standards in peer review. Thus, we refer to the standards of DOAJ, COPE and OASPA, when considering partnerships.