Manuscript Manager is a peer review system built for academic publishers and individual journals
A fully-featured system – from submission to decision
Manuscript Manager is a peer review system for academic journals and a product of Akron ApS, based in Copenhagen, Denmark. Our team has +20 years experience working with peer review software for academic organizations. With over +1.000.000 users, Manuscript Manager services publishers all over the world.
Manuscript Manager is a hosted service, designed to enable your editorial team to work more efficiently. With a balanced mix of review process streamlining, automation and one-to-one communication, Manuscript Manager helps your team optimize the work involved in getting manuscripts ready for either publication or rejection.
Publishers who switch to Manuscript Manager from other peer review systems will experience:
- A lift in user experience for all roles
- Free service and tech support
- A significant reduction in their peer review budget
Are you an author? Submit your manuscript to one of the journals we host.
Manuscript Manager
Kultorvet 11, 2. floor
1175 Copenhagen K
Manuscript Manager encourages customers and business partners to uphold high standards in peer review. Thus, we refer to the standards of DOAJ, COPE and OASPA, when considering partnerships.