by Leah Kristensen | Aug 15, 2022 | Editorial Office, Industry news, Peer Review, Uncategorized
Is your peer review system still worth it? Everyone in academic publishing has been challenged by new conditions which have developed in recent years. Whether you work for an editorial office agency, a publisher or a single society journal, increasing costs, new...
by Leah Kristensen | Mar 14, 2022 | Best Practices, Editorial Office, Peer Review
What to do about Overdues!? / How to meet manuscript processing time Administrators are the key to smooth operations for the peer reviewed journal, but what happens when overdue tasks slow things down? What can administrators do to maintain the target manuscript...
by Leah Kristensen | Mar 1, 2022 | Best Practices, Editorial Office, Peer Review
Updating Reviewer Profile Info How many reviewers does your journal have? Why is it important to periodically ask reviewers to update reviewer profile info? How does this serve both the journal and the reviewers? The new normal In the wake of COVID, as...
by Peter Okholm | Nov 17, 2021 | Best Practices, Editorial Office, Peer Review, Tips for editors
The Efficient Peer Review Journal The efficient peer review journal has an administrator who proactively takes action to streamline processes, update info and more. We all know that running a peer review journal is complicated. Sounds simple, but it’s not. Any...
by Peter Okholm | Jun 4, 2021 | About us, Editorial Office, Peer Review
Why you should prioritize configurability The advantages of using peer review software over manual processes are obvious, but are all platforms created equal? In this post we address the concept of configurability in peer review systems – and why you should...
by Peter Okholm | Jun 3, 2021 | About us, Editorial Office, Peer Review
30 day, risk-free peer review system trial Procuring a peer review system can be both time consuming and expensive. The Manuscript Manager trial is designed to offer your stakeholders the best basis for a decision at zero risk. If you are like most peer review...