Applications to the Benzon Foundation
Funding for science
It’s April, and that means it’s applications time for The Alfred Benzon Foundation, generous supporter of the sciences in Denmark.
Since its inception in 1952, The Benzon Foundation has funded 62 symposia and granted more than 200 research fellows and workshops in the fields of medical and pharmaceutical sciences. Such funding opportunities generate numerous applications each year and pose an organizational challenge. In order to facilitate the entire application and review process, the Benzon Foundation has decided to use Manuscript Manager.
Applications management
“Before Manuscript Manager, applications were received by mail, photocopied and reviewed largely at in-person meetings,” explains Leila Majdanac, Administrative Manager for The Benzon Foundation. The process was not only labor-intensive but inconvenient for both the reviewers and administrators. “Eight years ago,” Leila continues, “the foundation converted to using Manuscript Manager to manage the application process, and it has really helped.”
In contrast to the earlier years, applications are now submitted and archived online, keeping multi-document submissions easily accessible for all. Decision-making board members can not only review applications in real time, but have the freedom to do so from their preferred devices, and also have new possibilities for internal communication. Using Manuscript Manager has meant that the whole application review process has become efficient and convenient, allowing The Benzon Foundation to better focus its resources on what it is all about: supporting scientific scholarship for the best candidates. If you think that Manuscript Manager could help your organization’s application process, feel free to register for a free trial.
Read more and apply for The Benzon Symposia, The Alfred Benzon Post-doctoral Fellowships and the Alfred Benzon workshops online at: . Deadlines for the symposia and fellowship applications: May 1st.