Phd applications at SDU
While originally conceived as an editorial management system for peer review journals, Manuscript Manager is so configurable that it can be used by other types of organizations
Though Manuscript Manager was designed almost 20 years ago, new uses for the program are still being discovered today. While originally conceived as an editorial management system for peer review journals, Manuscript Manager is so configurable that it can be used by other types of organizations also dealing with document management and revision. One example of such is The Graduate School of Health Sciences at The University of Southern Denmark, which has been happy to use Manuscript Manager for Phd application management the past few years.
Before vs. after
Jakob Ousager, the Deputy Head of the Graduate School of Health Sciences at “Syddansk Universitet” describes a change for the better since adopting Manuscript Manager to manage their Phd applications. “Before Manuscript Manager, we had a totally email-based application processing system complemented by monthly meetings,” he explains. The process was largely hand-held, with each application being handled by one “Internal Reviewer”. Keeping tabs on the sheer numbers of Phd applications, all engaged in their unique process, each with a different “Internal Reviewer” and timeline, was both a logistical and organizational challenge. Prior to adopting Manuscript Manager, it was difficult to maintain a high level of organization and therefore, processing times for applications were slower.
However, according to Jakob Ousager, there have been many positives about using Manuscript Manager. Each application is now able to be processed upon receipt, no more waiting for monthly meetings. Not only has the graduate school become more efficient in processing applications in general, but specifically, the processing time for each application has been greatly reduced. “Using Manuscript Manager has given us the overview to know exactly where each application is in the process at all times,” he states, “and also the opportunity to facilitate the processing or send reminders when necessary. We feel we have much better control over the application process, and especially the timeframe of the process, now that we have Manuscript Manager.
The verdict
When asked if he would recommend using Manuscript Manager for other PhD programs, Jakob Ousager responds with a definite, “Yes, I would, especially if they review their applications in a similar way.” Though he can point to a few small glitches related to using a program that originally was conceived for processing journal manuscripts, Ousager insists that Manuscript Manager “still works well for us in general.”
Even as Manuscript Manager matures its core business with academic journals, the editorial management system continues to be known for its ability to adapt to various workflows. Configurability is the key as Manuscript Manager continues to grow and cross-purpose, helping new types of organizations stay on top of their editorial and document management. If you believe your organization can benefit from an editorial management / peer review system, register for a free trial with Manuscript Manager.
“We feel we have much better control over the application process, and therefore, the timeframe of the process, now that we have Manuscript Manager.”